Warranty And Return Policy

What is the warranty provided by Robokits ?

All products sold by Robokits by default are covered under 5 days warranty even if you see warranty none on the product page.

We at Robokits assure you of providing an accurate description and standard industrial quality products on the website. All our products would be covered under manufacturing defect warranty and would be repaired / replaced if found defective. If any product is found to be not working or not matching the description of the website, the same needs to be informed to Robokits India via email on support@robokits.co.in within a period of 5 days from delivery of the product to avail the warranty.  
Please note that if the product is modified / damaged due to improper handling, reverse polarity voltage input, overloading, short circuit or ESD the warranty will be void. 

How do I claim warranty for the products?

Please email Robokits India with the details of the problem faced in the product along with relevant images / operating video. Our customer service department will check the details and if required issue a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number.  Also our team can take decesion to replace the product without return or refund amount for that product.
After the RMA number is issued, the customer has to courier the product to the below address mentioning the RMA number on the return box. The address for courier is :
Robokits India
B1+B2+B3/5 GIDC Electronics Estate,
Sector 25, Gandhinagar - 382044,
Gujarat, India.
Once the product is received, our technical services department will check and update within a week of receiving the parcel. 

My product is out of warranty but not working somehow, can Robokits repair my product?

Yes, for sure. If the warranty is over it doesn't mean that our responsibility towards the sold product is over. We provide repairing service at minimal possible rates. Please reach out to us at support@robokits.co.in and we shall be glad to help you. 

My product is completely working but of no use to me will Robokits accept return?

Robokits will be able to exchange any item only if the packaging is not broken and provided the customer has informed us within 24 hours of receiving the items. If any of this criteria is not matched Robokits is not liable to exchange such items.We urge customers to select products properly while ordering. Once the items are used we will be unable to sell to someone else hence Robokits is firm on not accepting such items back.